VERY well animated, flowed very smooth. Voice acting was pretty good as well. Has a lot of potential as a series, hope to see your upcoming submissions.
VERY well animated, flowed very smooth. Voice acting was pretty good as well. Has a lot of potential as a series, hope to see your upcoming submissions.
Great animation and great voice acting, you have a very good range. I liked it all until the end, everything from the second the redneck showed up to the end of it was not to my liking, I think it could have had a much better ending.
The flash and animation itself was good. Good jokes too. I would have given an 8 but the voice quality was terrible, I wanted to pop my ear drums with a screwdriver after hearing the characters talk, or screech rather. Other than that little problem it was good stuff though.
The look on the guys face before he transforms is fucking priceless, good stuff man. Great animation too.
i love your work but deviantart isn't so great about indexing so searching for your stuff didn't work ou so well for me...think you could post a direct link or something? can't wait to see more of your stuff.
Theres a direct link to my page in my latest news post. All the links to the story should be at the bottom of my journal entry
a 1
for RocketFetus, because his was the only one that even got a smile, the rest was either immature or just pointless. none of it showed any form of skill in flash or art and only the one i mentioned was even a little bit funny. i'm sure if you guys tried you could do some good work and i think that this flash was done badly on purpose...i'd like to see what you could do after growing up a bit
I agree which is why you should get flash and teach us how to do it.
i can't say this is the worse thing i've ever seen, but it is pretty close. you put no time or effort into coming up with any good jokes, animation, or even voice acting. you're author comment also showed nothing but immaturity, please stop wasting people's time.
that was hilarious! it kinda had the old nickelodeon art feel to it (only way i can explain it =/) but when he started falling apart i couldn't stop laughing. keep up the good work, that was awsome!
p.s.: and to clark or anyone else that cries about a few cuss words...just grow up.
Age 33, Male
San Diego High
San Diego, CA
Joined on 2/13/07